📚 Last Chance to Join!

[Hours Left] Last call to get The Art of Reading.

Hey–Alex here.

I’ve sent a lot of emails this week, way more than normal. Thank you for letting me into your inbox.

This is the final email for The Art of Reading launch.

And thank you to everyone who has joined TAoR.

If you’re on the fence, this is a heads-up that the 40% discount for TAoR will disappear at midnight EST tonight.

Are you:

  • Easily distracted when you try to read a book?

  • Tired of seeing unread books pile up and collect dust on your shelf?

  • Having trouble recalling important information from books when you need it?

  • Frustrated with reading book after book without them making an impact on your life?

If so, you’ll find this course valuable–I guarantee it.

PS: There’s a 100% money-back guarantee so if you buy it and it doesn’t make you a better reader, email me anytime and I’ll happily refund your payment.

Here’s what people have said about the course:

If you’re still wondering if the course is a good fit for you, reply with what’s holding you back – I’ll do my best to answer you before enrollment closes tonight.

Read on everyone,


or to participate.