A&B April 2020

My Favorite Books of 2020 (so far)

Hi everyone, here is your monthly Alex & Books recap:

My 5 Favorite Books of 2020:

I’ve managed to read 23 books so far this year and wanted to share some of the fantastic books I’ve come across (you can follow my reading journey on Goodreads).

Without further ado, here are my 5 favorite books:

I wrote a blog post with a short summary of each book along with a few key takeaways. Read it here.

    Highlight of the month: I released a free chapter of my book!

    I'm still editing my book

    so I'm pushing back the release date to June 1st.

    BUT, I did release a free chapter from it titled:


    If you've been having trouble making reading into a daily habit, this chapter will provide you helpful tips.

    Get your free chapter


    (PS: Use the code "newsletter" to preorder my

    and save 25%)

    Personal Updates:

    Quote of the Month:

    "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes–including you.”Anne Lamott

    Tweet of the Month:

    Being 25, I don't know a lot.But here are 5 things I do know:-Educate yourself (books, podcasts, online courses)-Exercise often (best exercise is the one you love)-Take responsibility (change what you can)-Eat healthy (fruits, veggies, water)-Sleep a lot (8 hours a day)Alex & Books

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    Simply reply to this email to answer (feel free to be as honest as you wish!)

      Thank you for your support everyone, read on! -Alex W. 

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